Sunday, December 1, 2013

TED Talks....Dan Ariely talks about " What makes us feel good about our work?"

In the selected presentation on TED Talks, Dan Ariely talks about what makes us feel good about our work. He talks about what motivates us to do the things we do every day. Dan explains about the goals we all aim for on every little thing we do and what would happen if that goal suddenly disappear right after we are completed or near completion.

Dan explains that everything we do is for feeling a sense of purpose, whether we like the task or not. Whether the result is being appreciated by the person or someone else, it’s a matter of being appreciated or feeling rewarded.

During the presentation Dan talks about multiple experiments and scenarios that were tested to prove his point on why we work.  Dan talks about one of his past student who worked weeks on a PowerPoint presentation for a company merger. The student summited the PowerPoint to his boss a day before it was due and he received a “Good job but the merger is off.” The student was crushed. The whole time he had a purpose.  Without the purpose, the end result was pointless.

Dan has multiple examples and as he talked from one to another there’s are simple slides to go with each examples. Some of those slides seems like they are just there for the purpose of the example.  If the slides weren’t there it wouldn’t matter because his explanation was good enough. There were moments during the presentation where Dan had some humorous parts. His tone was energetic and he had a good pace.  

After watching his presentation, it did inspire me. It makes me think about the things I do at work and the things I have my employees/ coworkers do.